Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I am everyday PEOPLE

Me: Hey
My Friend: I can’t freakin’ believe you are in PEOPLE magazine
Me: I know! Crazy, right?

Yes, it is true. Lil ole me, former butt-of-red-headed joke-after-tom-boy-joke (at least until high school)….I am in PEOPLE magazine.

[It is the one with the kidnapped boy on the cover, January 29, 2007. I am on page 39.]

For the last couple of years it has been my superficial-fantasy-wish (as opposed to my wishes for things less shallow) to appear in US Weekly. Yes, people, I read, more like dissolve, US Weekly. I fully admit it and have no qualms about it. The celebrity gossip world is like therapy for me and helps me get out of my head for the time that I am scouring it. Some people have PlayStation3, fantasy football, MaryJane….I have my celebrity gossip.

Back to the point….Although PEOPLE is not US Weekly, I am still completely flabbergasted over this. While I don’t think many men read PEOPLE, and suspiciously I have been getting some winks from women in the last week, maybe you studs out there will quickly pick it up on the sly or browse through it on the down-low at your local Barnes and Noble to check it out.

Regardless….if this is my 10 seconds of quasi-US Weekly fame, I am thoroughly enjoying every second of it.